
In Admissions, we work closely in cooperation with the consulting offers of the AStA which already exist, to stand up for the rights of the so- called „Bildungsauslaender“. This means the status group of international students who do not come from the EU Member States. These are about 13% of all students at the University of Hanover.

The academic life of students without German citizenship implicates a wide range of problems. Above all, students of English master’s degree programs have often struggled with language barriers. Also, structural barriers, such as the regular renewal of VISA are observed. Often this status group gets in financial straits, since they are not entitled to receive “BaföG” in Germany. International students are often affected by racism: Whether dealing with the authorities, entering the discotheque, during attendance in seminars or in everyday life on the road. We try and help the students in these individual cases.


Office hours by appointment