
In the Admission Office, we work in close cooperation with the existing counselling services of the AStA and the Foreigners‘ Commission to represent the interests of so-called „Bildungsausländer*innen“. In other words, the status group of international students who do not come from EU member states. The proportion of these students at LUH is currently around 13%. The main aim is to actively support these students in their studies at Leibniz University and to give them access to university politics.

The everyday university life of students without German citizenship brings with it a variety of problems. Students on English-language Master’s programmes in particular often have to contend with language barriers. Structural hurdles such as the regular renewal of residence permits must also be taken into account. This status group in particular often faces financial difficulties as they are not entitled to receive BAföG in Germany. International students are often affected by racism: whether when dealing with the authorities, going to the discotheque, in seminars or in everyday life on the street. In cooperation with the AStA Department of International Affairs, support is provided in individual cases and the situation is explained.



Office hours by appointment