Most students know the struggle: once per semester the university asks you for a couple of hundred Euros to stay enrolled. Many students can’t raise that money in time. In order to solve this or similar problems the AStA provides the option of taking up a loan. Students (only Leibniz University Hannover!) can get a loan of up to 450€. That loan is completely free of interests, repayment starts six months after the loan has been taken up the latest, in installments of at least 25€. Installments higher than that as well as additional installments can be paid at any time.
How to apply
- the loan participant is enrolled at university and has not taken up a loan at the AStA yet and does not vouch for any other loan participants
- the participant’s guarantor has not taken up a loan him or herself or is vouching for anyone else, guarantor has not be enrolled at university
What you have to bring with you:
- valid Photo ID (ID, residence permit, driver’s license, etc.)
- student card
- guarantor (more information below) with valid Photo ID
You need a person vouching for you. That person will only be contacted by us in case you won’t be able repay installments or don’t react to attempts of getting in contact with you. So usually, there won’t be any duties for the guarantor. But in case repayments won’t be fulfilled, the guarantor will be hold responsible. The guarantor does not have to be immatriculated at LUH. The only condition is that the person can not have a loan from the AStA at the same tame as being a guarantor. When you fill out the form for the loan, the guarantor has to be there to sign the form too, as well as showing their ID.
The forms for the loan are available during the loan department’s office hours at the AStA (Welfengarten 2c) or on this site. You can get the money either as cash or transferred to your bank account at our cashier’s office hours.
Information about current loans
In case repayments aren’t fulfilled, the loan participant will be contacted and a reminder about the due amount will be sent. If the participant does not react, legal action can be initiated. To avoid any legal actions (and extra costs that go with that), inform the loans department about financial shortcuts in time!
If you need the banking information for your repayment, write a mail to info [at] or call 0511-7625061 during office hours.
Email: darlehen [at]