Welcome to the BAföG- and social-counselling from the AStA of the University Hannover! We are students of different fields of study and semesters, who are willing to support you in the daily concerns of student life. Whether it’s about housing, money or the organisation of your studies, we are at your side with our best knowledge and help you find the right contact points and approach your subject with confidence. We ourselves are still in the middle of our education and are no experts, which means our information is based on our experience and is not legally verified or binding, but we do take a close look at your individual situation so that you can live better during your education. There are numerous possibilities to improve your student life with a little effort. It is therefore worthwhile to gather information, make applications and ask twice. We are there for you every step of the way and are happy to help!
- You can reach us via bafoeg@asta-hannover.de. We answer your mails several times per week and arrange personal or phone appointments. In your first mail describe your problem and question broadly, so that we can focus on your individual situation.
- During our office hours, we are open for guests without appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions we can help you with:
Can I prolong the maximum support period (Förderungshöchstdauer) of BAföG? How do I get further support?
The maximum support period is the same as the regular study period. There are only rare and very specific reasons that allow a prolongation of your maximum support period.
What is a proof of performance (Leistungsnachweis)? What should I be aware of in regards to this proof? What are good reasons to hand in the proof at a later date?
Every bachelor-student has to prove their performance after the third or latest the fourth semester in order to be supported until the end of their studies. It’s possible to extend the deadline of this proof under some circumstances.
Am I entitled do receive support from BAföG (BAföG-Anspruch)?
Whether you will receive support and how high your support will be is regulated by law. If you fulfil the criteria, you can even argue for your entitlement juristically. You can check your entitlement and also the amount of your support online before your application (not a binding information).
What can I do if I am not entitled to recieve BAföG-support?
There are other financing possibilities for your studies. You can find more information further below.
We are pregnant and our child is meant to be delievered during lecture period. Can we pause this semester? What happens to our entitlement to BAföG when we are studying with a child? What are other possibilities to be supported?
(Becoming) parents profit from a whole spectrum of privileges during their study time. For example, the maximum support period of BAföG is extended, many scholarships prolong their payments and the parents can apply for an exception from the extra-costs for long-term-students. With a child on your site many applications can easily be justified and there is more support and understanding from employees and teachers.
What do I need to be aware of when I amortize my BAföG-loan (Rückzahlung)? What is the 77-rates-remission ? What if I don’t have enough money to pay my monthly installment?
Normally students only need to pay back half of the BAföG-support but the maximum is 10.010 €. If payment is momentarily not possible, an application for a temporary exception or deferral can be handed in. If all duties are fulfilled in the right way, the remaining debt can be remitted after 77 rates.
Financing Options
- BAföG: BAföG is the Federal Training Assistance Act, which provides monthly assistance for financially disadvantaged students.
- BAföG abroad (AuslandsBAföG): BAföG is also available for stays abroad, e.g. as part of an Erasmus cooperation.
- Jobs: There are various forms of part-time jobs in addition to studying. Working students in companies, student assistants at the university, mini-jobs, casual jobs, permanent or seasonal jobs. Notices on bulletin boards or on Stud.IP, the city newspapers, the employment office or online portals can help in the search.
- Housing allowance (Wohngeld): The housing allowance is a rent subsidy for people with low income. Most BAföG-recipents are not entitled to housing allowance, exceptions include i.e. students with children.
- Student loan (Studienkredit): Student loans are e.g. from the KfW, which are paid out monthly over a certain period of time, but in contrast to BAföG, must be paid back in full and with interest.
- Scholarships (Stipendien): There are many different scholarships in Germany with different conditions, depending on the aims of the donating organizations. The money is usually paid out monthly and does not have to be paid back, but there is no entitlement to a scholarship.
When things get tight: Canteen free tables (Mensafreitische), AStA-loan (AStA-Darlehen),… Small financial relief can also be offered by the AStA. We can i.e. support you with an interest-free loan or a free canteen table.
Links to further Information
- BAföG-calculator: Here you can find out with a few clicks whether you are entitled to BAföG support and determine your approximate entitlement. In addition, the BAföG-law is presented in numerous articles and the corresponding sections of the law are linked to them.
- BMBF: The Website of the Federal Ministry of Education an Research (BMBF), which is responsible for BAföG-related regulations and laws across the states, provides an overview of BAföG, frequently asked questions and current changes. Here you can also find the BAföG law and the corresponding administrative regulations. The BMBF also offers a BAföG-hotline, were you can ask general questions about BAföG relatively anonymously.
- The Federal Office of Administration (BVA) is responsible for the repayment of the BAföG-loan. On the website you will find, among other things, well-prepared and briefly summarized all important information on the topics of repayment, deferment and 77-rates-remission (77-Raten-Erlass).
- The Studentenwerk Hannover provides a large collection of information e.g. about finding accommodation, student insurance, students with children, legal advice, but also about the various options for financing your studies, such as housing allowance, BAföG or unemployment benefit/social welfare. You will also find the contact form of the social counseling service of the Studentenwerk.
- Stipendienlotse offers a large database of scholarships and allows you to narrow down the scholarships that are relevant for you by using different filters. If you have found a scholarship that is relevant for you, you will find a description, modalities and a contact address to which you can address your application.